This clever and entertaining short film is a mixture of animation and movie in which Peter Benchley is trying to hook up with Walt Disney to pitch a story idea about The Reluctant Dragon. This lighthearted story follows the adventures of a brave young boy who, emboldened by tales of brave knights, decides to pursue the horrible dragon that is terrifying the villagers. But what he discovers is a surprisingly friendly dragon that is more interested in reciting poetry and making music than devouring fair damsels. Will the boy be able to stop the local hero before he challenges the dragon to a fiery battle? The movie is also part documentary in that it shows the process of creating an animated film.
The big feature show with a thousand surprises!
This clever and entertaining short film is a mixture of animation and movie in which Peter Benchley is trying to hook up with Walt Disney to pitch a story idea about The Reluctant Dragon. This lighthearted story follows the adventures of a brave young boy who, emboldened by tales of brave knights, decides to pursue the horrible dragon that is terrifying the villagers. But what he discovers is a surprisingly friendly dragon that is more interested in reciting poetry and making music than devouring fair damsels. Will the boy be able to stop the local hero before he challenges the dragon to a fiery battle? The movie is also part documentary in that it shows the process of creating an animated film.
The big feature show with a thousand surprises!
Movie details The Reluctant Dragon
Release : 1941-06-20Genre : Animation, Documentary, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Family
Runtime : 74 minutes
Company :
Robert Benchley | as | Himself | |
Frances Gifford | as | Doris | |
Buddy Pepper | as | Humphrey | |
Nana Bryant | as | Mrs. Benchley |
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The Reluctant Dragon (1941) - IMDb
Humorist Robert Benchley attempts to find Walt Disney to ask him to adapt a short story about a gentle dragon who would rather recite poetry than be ferocious. Along ...
Humorist Robert Benchley attempts to find Walt Disney to ask him to adapt a short story about a gentle dragon who would rather recite poetry than be ferocious. Along ... | Disney Spielfilme: The reluctant Dragon
US-Titel: The Reluctant Dragon Dt. Titel: Der Drache wider Willen Lnge: 73 Minuten US-Kinostart: 20. Juni 1941 Dt. Kinostart: nicht im Kino
US-Titel: The Reluctant Dragon Dt. Titel: Der Drache wider Willen Lnge: 73 Minuten US-Kinostart: 20. Juni 1941 Dt. Kinostart: nicht im Kino
The Reluctant Dragon - Disney Wiki
The Reluctant Dragon is a 1941 American combined live-action and animated film produced by Walt...
The Reluctant Dragon is a 1941 American combined live-action and animated film produced by Walt...
The Reluctant Dragon (1941) - IMDb
Humorist Robert Benchley learns about the animation process at Walt Disney Studios while trying to find the great man himself to pitch him the idea of making a ...
Humorist Robert Benchley learns about the animation process at Walt Disney Studios while trying to find the great man himself to pitch him the idea of making a ...
The Reluctant Dragon: Crisis Cycles in Chinese Foreign ...
Chinese foreign economic policy before 1978 has been considered isolationist and centered on Maoist self-reliance. In this revisionist analysis, Lawrence Reardon ...
Chinese foreign economic policy before 1978 has been considered isolationist and centered on Maoist self-reliance. In this revisionist analysis, Lawrence Reardon ...
The Reluctant Dragon - Part 1 - YouTube
Classic cartoon with an extremely faggalicious dragon. See the second part ISBN# 0-7888-7362-8
Classic cartoon with an extremely faggalicious dragon. See the second part ISBN# 0-7888-7362-8
The Reluctant Dragon : Kenneth Grahame : Free Download ...
LibriVox recording of The Reluctant Dragon, by Kenneth Grahame. Read by Mark F. Smith. What would you do if you discovered a dragon living in a cave on a...
LibriVox recording of The Reluctant Dragon, by Kenneth Grahame. Read by Mark F. Smith. What would you do if you discovered a dragon living in a cave on a...
The Reluctant Dragon Photos, The Reluctant Dragon Pictures ...
View the 37 best The Reluctant Dragon Photos, The Reluctant Dragon Images, The Reluctant Dragon Pictures. Download photos or share to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger
View the 37 best The Reluctant Dragon Photos, The Reluctant Dragon Images, The Reluctant Dragon Pictures. Download photos or share to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger
Toonhound - The Reluctant Dragon (1987)
reluctant dragon synopsis credits and review ... "It's a good dragon, it's a kind dragon, it's a friend of mine - it writes poetry!"
reluctant dragon synopsis credits and review ... "It's a good dragon, it's a kind dragon, it's a friend of mine - it writes poetry!"
The Reluctant Dragon | Disney Movies
The Reluctant Dragon. While on his way to present a movie idea to Walt Disney, our tour guide discovers how a cartoon is created through art, sound, and color.
The Reluctant Dragon. While on his way to present a movie idea to Walt Disney, our tour guide discovers how a cartoon is created through art, sound, and color.
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