The timeless holiday tale of "The Nutcracker" springs to life as an animated musical. After young Clara receives a wooden nutcracker as a Christmas gift, she dreams about a fantastical battle between her Nutcracker Prince and the evil Mouse King. At stake is the Nutcracker's freedom -- and Clara's future happiness. Kiefer Sutherland, Peter O'Toole and Megan Follows lend their voices to this family-friendly adventure.
Join us in a classic tale of adventure, romance, bravery and a really mean mouse.
The timeless holiday tale of "The Nutcracker" springs to life as an animated musical. After young Clara receives a wooden nutcracker as a Christmas gift, she dreams about a fantastical battle between her Nutcracker Prince and the evil Mouse King. At stake is the Nutcracker's freedom -- and Clara's future happiness. Kiefer Sutherland, Peter O'Toole and Megan Follows lend their voices to this family-friendly adventure.
Join us in a classic tale of adventure, romance, bravery and a really mean mouse.
Movie details The Nutcracker Prince
Release : 1990-01-01Genre : Musical, Holiday, Family
Runtime : 75 minutes
Company :
Kiefer Sutherland | as | Nutcracker Prince (voice) | |
Megan Follows | as | Clara (voice) | |
Mike MacDonald | as | Mouseking (voice) | |
Peter O'Toole | as | Pantaloon (voice) | |
Phyllis Diller | as | Mousequeen (voice) | |
Peter Boretski | as | Uncle Drosselmeier (voice) | |
Stephanie Morgenstern | as | Louise (voice) | |
George Merner | as | Dr. Stahlbaum (voice) |
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The Nutcracker Prince - Christmas Specials Wiki
The Nutcracker Prince is a 1990 animated film made by Lacewood Productions and released by...
The Nutcracker Prince is a 1990 animated film made by Lacewood Productions and released by...
The Nutcracker Prince (1990) - IMDb
Directed by Paul Schibli. With Kiefer Sutherland, Megan Follows, Peter O'Toole, Mike MacDonald. An adaption of the classic tale of a girl's dreams turned reality when ...
Directed by Paul Schibli. With Kiefer Sutherland, Megan Follows, Peter O'Toole, Mike MacDonald. An adaption of the classic tale of a girl's dreams turned reality when ...
The Nutcracker Prince - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Nutcracker Prince is a 1990 animated romantic fantasy film made by Lacewood Productions and released by Warner Bros. Pictures. The film was directed by Paul ...
The Nutcracker Prince is a 1990 animated romantic fantasy film made by Lacewood Productions and released by Warner Bros. Pictures. The film was directed by Paul ...
the nutcracker prince (the prince and the sugar plum fairy ...
the dance scene from The Nutcracker Prince of WB in 1990, I just love this movie the theme is "the prince and the sugar plum fairy" from Tschaikovsky's ...
the dance scene from The Nutcracker Prince of WB in 1990, I just love this movie the theme is "the prince and the sugar plum fairy" from Tschaikovsky's ...
The Nutcracker Prince - YouTube
Upon giving her the Nutcracker, Drosselmeier tells her a story about how the Nutcracker came to be the Prince of the Dolls. Category Entertainment. ...
Upon giving her the Nutcracker, Drosselmeier tells her a story about how the Nutcracker came to be the Prince of the Dolls. Category Entertainment. ...
The Nutcracker Prince - Rotten Tomatoes - Movies | Movie ...
Based on E.T.A. Hoffman's classic book The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, this animated holiday tale utilizes the vocal talents of such stars as Kiefer Sutherland ...
Based on E.T.A. Hoffman's classic book The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, this animated holiday tale utilizes the vocal talents of such stars as Kiefer Sutherland ...
the nutcracker prince | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion ...
Find great deals on eBay for the nutcracker prince and full house. Shop with confidence.
Find great deals on eBay for the nutcracker prince and full house. Shop with confidence.
The Nutcracker Prince Poster bei
The Nutcracker Prince Poster - bei ber 500.000 Poster - Individuelle Rahmen, Schnelle Lieferung und 100% Zufriedenheitsgarantie.
The Nutcracker Prince Poster - bei ber 500.000 Poster - Individuelle Rahmen, Schnelle Lieferung und 100% Zufriedenheitsgarantie.
The Nutcracker Prince | Trailer and Cast - Yahoo Movies
Call the Fashion Police: Tom Hardy Has Been Wearing Elton Johns Clothes. Tom Hardy is taking Method acting to a whole new level and by "whole new level" we ...
Call the Fashion Police: Tom Hardy Has Been Wearing Elton Johns Clothes. Tom Hardy is taking Method acting to a whole new level and by "whole new level" we ...
The Nutcracker Prince (Anime Style) - Anime Fanon
The Nutcracker Prince (Anime Style) is an anime version of the movie that was originally made...
The Nutcracker Prince (Anime Style) is an anime version of the movie that was originally made...
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