Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Stream Barnyard (2006) Online Streaming


When things get crazy at the farm, it's up to a boisterous bovine named Otis (voiced by Kevin James) to save the day in this computer-animated tale. The animals in this barnyard sing, dance and party, but Otis's stern dad (Sam Elliott) warns the crew to keep their cool around humans. Troublemaker Otis rarely listens to his pop, but when the farmer disappears and the animals go nutty, the young cow realizes he must stop the madness.

What happens in the barn stays in the barn

Barnyard 2006' online

download Barnyard 2006 online

Movie details Barnyard

Release : 2006-08-04
Genre : Animation, Comedy, Family
Runtime : 90 minutes
Company : Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies


Courteney CoxasDaisy the Cow
Kevin JamesasOtis the Cow
Sam ElliottasBen the Cow
Danny GloverasMiles the Mule
Wanda SykesasBessy the Cow
David KoechnerasDag the Coyote
Andie MacDowellasEtta the Hen
Jeffrey GarciaasPip the Mouse
S. Scott BullockasEddy the Cow
John Di MaggioasBud the Cow / Officer O'Hanlon
Cam ClarkeasFreddy the Ferret
Maurice LaMarcheasIgg the Cow
Dom IrreraasDuke the Dog
Tino InsanaasPig the Pig
Steve OedekerkasSnotty Boy / Mr. Beady / Snotty Boy's Father
Madeline LovejoyasMaddy the Chick
EarthquakeasRoot the Rooster
Fred TatascioreasFarmer
Maria BamfordasMrs. Beady
Rob PaulsenasPeck the Rooster / Gopher

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